Saturday, March 8, 2008

Have a great weeked!

Not a lot of time for a post right now, there is a pile of gross dishes in my sink, calling my name... they've been calling for awhile, but I can't avoid my fate any longer.

But I have something important to say. There is this lady I know, who I love dearly, and I think everyone else will love her too. She is pretty hot stuff, quite the Betty I would say. You can find her at I absolutely adore her, and I promise you will too. She has a lot of great stuff coming soon, so if I were you, i'd stay tuned.

She likes vodka too... and cupcakes.

By the way, it was brought to my attention that comments were not friendly to non-google users, so that has been fixed!


Anonymous said...

You are the most wonderful friend for doing that in the whole Wide WORLD!!!!!!

Rachel said...

Ok, so, I have to catch up on your entries, but I absolutely love the name of this blog!

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